Vittorio Massone on digital revolution: “It is only the beginning of a radical transformation”

According to Vittorio Massone, to think that the digital revolution has already reached its peak is a mistake: indeed, the expert in management believes that the effects of the digital revolution have not yet had their full impact on the social and economic system.

Vittorio Massone on digitization: “Slower sectors can have a profound impact”

Agriculture, industry and logistics are those sectors that only in recent years have started to be affected by the digital revolution. The most evident changes of the transformation, indeed, have occurred in the consumer area and in the world of entertainment so far. In his editorial published in Lettera43, the expert in digital transformation Vittorio Massone explained that the revolution will have its full impact only in the next twenty years. The transformation is already starting to affect the areas of supply chain, operations, business to business and business to government, as “these sectors are slower in changing”, said Vittorio Massone , “but they can have a profound impact across the economic field”. The changes would lead to an ICT-driven society, as well as to a radical transformation of business models: in order to prepare themselves, companies have to take into account new competitors, as those represented by the generation of “digital natives”. There will be relevant changes in corporate roles too, as rigid organizational models will be challenged by the revolution: as the manager wrote, attention will be focused on professional figures who are in direct contact with the customer, as well as on those who are related to technology, and, in addition, a greater inclusion will involve stakeholders.

Innovation, Vittorio Massone explains why Italy is likely to be at a standstill

Within such an economic context, where most small and medium-sized enterprises are still reluctant to digital innovations, Italy runs the risk of losing even more ground in the competitive race. According to Vittorio Massone, a manager with a deep experience in successful turnaround operations, and who worked with top clients the likes of Poste Italiane and Seat Pagine Gialle, very few Italian companies in the unregulated sectors have today the scale necessary to play “a leading role in the next twenty years”. These leading roles are likely to be lacking both for new market areas and in the capital market, and, in addition, strategic factors such as patents, data and key skills will be fundamental in the coming years. Considering also investments in R&D, as well as the so-called critical mass, it is easy to predict the future difficulties that Italy could have. Finally, the expert wrote that, in order to remain competitive, it will be essential to focus on product innovation, to improve the customer experience, and, furthermore, to reduce cost-to-serve. The editorial published in Lettera43 was written by Vittorio Massone, an expert in digital transformation, with over 25 years of experience in strategic consultancy. During his career he was involved in particularly complex operations in the functional areas of strategy, organization, merger and acquisitions, customer experience, operational improvement, procurement. With an innovative managerial vision based on team “diversity”, he is currently dedicated to supporting the digital transformation processes of important traditional companies, as well as to facilitating the growth of the “digital native” ones. Since February 2020 he has been Vice President of the Board of Directors of Alkemy.

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